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Philip Guedalla (1889-1944)

Philip Guedalla  (1889-1944) Philip Guedalla was a British barrister, and a popular historical and travel writer and biographer. He is remembered now mainly for a biography of the Duke of Wellington, and his wit and epigrams.

He was born in London into a secular Jewish family; in later life he embraced his Jewish identity. He was educated at Rugby School and Balliol College, Oxford, where he in 1911 was the President of the Oxford Union; and was published in Oxford Poetry 1910-1913. He practiced as a barrister from 1913 to 1923, before turning to writing. He was a parliamentary candidate for the Liberal Party or as Independent Liberal five times, always unsuccessfully. In World War II he served in the Royal Air Force, with the rank of Squadron Leader.

Asked how to say his name, he told The Literary Digest "My own pronunciation is gwuh-dal'lah. I have very little doubt that this is wholly incorrect."

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